Friday, February 13, 2009

So much trouble in the world.

This is what I've been doing with my time. FTW

Who decided that Valentines day was a legitimate holiday? Fuck valentines day.
I don't have a girlfriend, but if I did, I don't want to be told what day to surprise her with a nice dinner or something.

"It's February 14th, looks like I've got to stop beating my wife and verbally abusing her and actually take her out. But tomorrow I'm getting right back to it"

If you need to be told a day to surprise your lover with chocolates or flowers, you're not actually getting the whole meaning of love. Love would be surprising them with shit like that every day of the year.


I moved home, and it is the best. All I do is draw, listen to bob marley and eat the best meals. My mom is like Martha Stewart. Minus the jail thing.

Other than that I have nothing more to say.



KK said...

1. fuck vday.
2. you moved home?

The Great Gandalfini said...

1. agreed
2. yes i did