Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sunshine, it's crunch time. I'm livin on the front line.

I was checking out some upcoming comics that I could start collecting monthly, and i found out about a new miniseries coming out called Joker's Asylum  If you're too lazy to go to the link then I'll just explain it. It's basically a weekly look at Batman's rogue gallery, every week one of the famous Batman villains tells a story of one of their run ins with the Dark Knight. I'm really stoked for this one. Reminds me of the Batman Animated Series episode "Almost Got him!"

Anyways, I was infront of the building enjoying an after breakfast cigarette to help digest my Fruit Loops, when I saw a drug deal go down between a sketchy native guy on a bike and a kid who couldn't be older than twelve. I was shocked. This native guy was actually selling drugs to a kid. How could someone bring themselves to do that?
People are fucked. 

Here's a movie trailer that Chris found. The movie's called Stryker and it looks fucking crazy. But awesome at the same time. Either way, here it is.

On The Box:
Method Man and Redman - Tha Rockwilder

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